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Hi, all you AniLovers, and welcome to The Gardens! A word of warning. I am definetly not the best at making web pages, nor is my web page done (Oooh, I sound like an English class freak. Nor..). Anyway, I still have tons to do to my webpage, and you'll probably see them appearing every now or then. If you have any ideas about things I should put on my webpage, E-mail me. Nobody's perfect, but hey, I've only been on the web for five months.
NEW: Well, I'm finally back on the 'net after that freak storm a couple of weeks ago. I thought I'd never get to update my page! Some of the things are going to require MAJOR surgery like the books, characters and info pages. Please try to be patient while things get back into order. Also, when I got back on the 'net, I had about fifty emails from different places. If I didn't answer your email, please tell me. Also, after six months of torment and torture, I am allowed to get a bird!By the way, this page was last updated:
July 12, 1998 Thanx for coming!
#20 The Discovery Click here for this month's book.
< FAN FICTION NEEDED > I would appreciate it if the people out there with AniStories written by them would send them in to me. Please! I beg you! Or my goldfish will come after you! I've been getting some E-mails about my goldfish not being very tough, but I assure you, he WILL come after you. Oh yes...
By the way, some people have probably been wondering what my story is about. Okay, maybe you're not, but I can still give you a preview. I'll post it up if I ever get around to writing it :) The Yeerk's Creation Erek the Chee has just told the Animorphs a bit of interesting information. The mothership is in Earth's orbit again, around the same time some people report some strange activity going on at The Gardens after hours. The Chee have learned that the Yeerks are doing some strange experiments. Genetic experiments. Now the Animorphs have to find what's going on, and quickly,
before what they're looking for finds them...
< NAME THE ANDALITE > I am finally going to post up the winning Andalite name today! I would right now, but I have to go back in my email and see all the names. Every name I recieved will be posted up. Thanx for the entries and congrats to the winner!
< QUESTION OF THE WEEK > I will also answer this when I get back from my email.
-------------------- This Kewl Animorphs Ring site
owned by AniBird. [ Previous 5 Sites | Skip Previous | Previous | Next | Skip Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ] This many people, hawks, aliens, and AniFans have visited here since 4/03/98!

DISCLAIMER - I am in no way connected with either K.A. Applegate or Scholastic Inc. who own all logos, images, etc. of the books and therefore have nothing to do with them except that I LOVE Animorphs! If I am doing anything wrong, please tell me!
� 1998 -- Of Ashley -- a.k.a. AniBird -- ([email protected])---Please respect my copyright and don't copy my site. Thanx! |